Hop Latent Viroid Detection ( cannabis/hemp )


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10 19 $45.00 $5.00
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SKU: FFT-HLV-001 Category:

Product Details


Reduce the risk of suffering costly pathogen outbreaks that destroy yields.

Whether you’re growing one plant or thousands, Farmer Freeman’s virus detection assay for cultivators will identify plants infected with hops latent viroid (HLVd) using our high quality RT-qPCR testing.

Signs your plants may be infected with HLVd:

  • Curling or yellow leaves
  • Brittle stems
  • Smaller leaves with lighter node spacing
  • Smaller, looser buds with fewer trichomes
  • Overall loss of quality and yield (dudding)

Prevention is key

Screen your plants and incoming clones regularly.

Screen mother plants to ensure they are virus-free before taking cuttings.

Sterilize your equipment before working on each plant.

Note: Samples must be free of trichomes – samples from flowering stage plants will not be accepted.

Product Details:

A single sample collection kit and lab test for hop latent viroid (sometimes referenced as HLV, HLVD, or HpLVd) detection within a cannabis or hemp plant. The collection kit will require 1-3 leaves and a 1-2 inch piece of root material.

Technical Details:

Farmer Freeman’s HLVD tests use an RT-qPCR based test that targets a conserved region of the HLVD genome for maximum accuracy in detecting variants.

Farmer Freeman Hop Latent Viroid Detection Sample Collection Kit includes one (1) test.

Testing and Results are included in the Kit Price.

Each Kit includes an Envelope for tissue or sample storage, and a Tag for your plant. Kits and samples must be returned to the lab for analysis.

Results sent via e-mail typically within 1-5 business days after lab receipt.